Cyber security and translation services

Cyber security and translation services: Only 38% of global organisations are ready for cyber attacks

More and more we are seeing news headlines about cyber security breaches, and they continue to grow in today’s digital world. In fact, it’s safe to say that data breaches are one of the top risks to any business out there.

So, the question is, why aren’t all companies looking to tighten their digital security measures?

A look at the facts

  • Cyber security breaches are increasing rapidly, with a rise of 38% between 2014 – 2015.
  • The frequency of insider attacks is also increasing at an alarming rate.
  • The estimated global annual cost of cyber-attacks is between US$300 billion to US$ 1 trillion.
  • According to Gartner, there will be around 25 billion connected devices by the year 2020 – that is just three years away. It also means that is three devices for every person on our planet. But, any device that is connected to the internet is at risk of a cyber-attack and with that, we have to question just how many organizations will be able to keep a team of robust security staff.
  • According to a Norton cybercrime report, over 400 million adults in 24 countries experienced a cybercrime in a 12-month period. That equates to 141 victims per minute. The study determined that over 40 percent of people don’t have software security and the total bill in the U.S. for cybercrime in that period exceeded $139 billion.
  • There is no doubt that cybercrime needs to be taken seriously.
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Cyber crime – the consequences

There are two broad categories for cyber-attacks: sabotage and data security. Intellectual property and personal data, especially, are tempting targets for cyber criminals. Such attacks can expose a business to negligence claims, regulatory action, and the inability to meet obligations, which in turn results in a loss of trust among customers and translation agencies.

Unfortunately, there is a significant amount of cybercrime that goes undetected, especially in industries where access to confidential data and documents is tough to spot.

Today’s criminals tend to operate across borders, which means companies and experts need to, as well. Responding to cyber-attacks requires a fine knowledge of local regulations and a global vision – especially when we are dealing with translating documents into a variety of different languages for different countries.

A look at cyber security and translation services

Every single type of industry and company needs to be aware of online security measures, and the translation services industry in no exception. Thanks to innovative technology in our industry, translation agencies can create an ultra-secure environment in which to manage the customer’s translation process.

At Travod, our secure and scalable translation process houses our translation management system along with your important data and files in a secure data center which ensures your information and data is protected at all times.

Our translation agency takes your privacy and cyber security seriously. We have made sure that we have taken all the steps possible in today’s vulnerable online world to protect our customer’s confidential information when we perform translation services. Besides all the security steps we have put in place, our staff are specially trained in cyber security.

We work on a “need to know” basis which means that only the people working on your project’s translation services will have access to your files and data.

We take your data security seriously!

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